I know I'm lucky to still have a local Pier 1 Imports but the truth is I rarely go because it's located in an out-of-the-way shopping center. Most of the other good stores in that area moved away so I have to really want to go to Pier 1 if I'm going to head over there. Which explains why I completely forgot that they too might be getting Halloween goodies in stock. It wasn't until I saw some creepy spiders from Pier 1 on another blog that I thought to check their site. I'm so glad I did because now I've got some new inspirations for things to make and a few items to add to my birthday wishlist.
That sound you hear reminiscent of a wild animal being strangled is my husband discovering this post and realizing where we'll be going this weekend. Shopping! Yay! Maybe I'll be nice and treat him to lunch at Olive Garden while we're out and about.
Ninjas vs. pirates? Now I don't have to choose!

I'm not usually a fan of cutesy Halloween stuff but the look on Dracula's face warms my heart. He looks so excited about the prospect of extracting your blood!

The dislocated eyeball is a nice touch:

This is totally something I could copy and make on my own for less than $10:

Hope some of this stuff is left in the post-Halloween sales because I have to be selective about what I buy at full price. The ornaments are a reasonable $5 but if I were to buy every single one that I like it would really add up. My life is so difficult, I know. The decisions I'm forced to make!
I know this is a long shot because this post was like 2 years ago but I was wondering if you still had any of these ornement in the pictures because i am trying to collect them all from all the years but I am missing 6 of the 12 I know about and would be interested in purchasing them if you still had them and would be willing to part with them. thank you so much for your time and i hope to hear back
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