Regular readers of my blog may have noticed by now that I'm a little weird. Therefore it shouldn't surprise you one bit that the highlight of my week was last night's creature feature on SyFy, Sharktopus. Part shark, part octopus, all dangerous killer. As if the notion of a shark/octopus isn't compelling enough, after seeing the way poor Sharktopus was mistreated I found I'd developed a real love for that poor, misunderstood critter. Ok, ok, I may be glorifying this a bit. In reality the film was just what you'd expect from a SyFy original movie: horribly fake special effects, implausible plot, a lack of acting skills on display, and an unnecessary amount of scantily-clad women. Just what you need to entertain yourself on a Saturday night, right?

When I happened upon a toy rubber shark and a toy octopus in the dollar bin at Target today I knew what I had to do. Conveniently enough, the shark even had a perfect line of demarcation between his torso and tail so I was easily able to slice through him with a box cutter. In order to squeeze the octopus into sharky's torso I made two small cuts in the neck area so there was a little more give as I squished the octopus into place.

I may touch Sharktopus up with some paint to even out his skin tone and make him a little closer to the original but I do adore him just as he is now. I'm considering taking him to work with me tomorrow to spruce up my otherwise barren and impersonal desk. But then I might have to explain my weirdness to my co-workers too.