Earlier in the month a friend commented that this must be the most wonderful time of the year for me. She was absolutely right as I've felt elated and full of glee the entire Halloween season. While I'm sorry to see it go, I'm going to make the most of the spooky, gory, haunted goodness of today!
Lio's a great little comic strip that I just discovered this week thanks to Haunt Style. Be sure to check out the Lio comic strip site for more twisted Halloween fun from Mark Tatulli.
For my photo a day I went to a nearby park and photographed some slightly sinister-looking steep stairs. I had to wait for the elderly folk who take their morning walks in the park to clear out as I had no intention of telling them what I intended to do with the photo. I then used Photoshop to add in a picture I found in this fun pool of pictures of people falling down stairs. The one I blatantly stole is thanks to Helga Weber, whoever she is. Thanks, Helga!

A Photo A Day [Day 63]
Not the best Photoshop job out there but as it's one of my first I'm pretty pleased.
murder! woo hoo! yikes! oh dear??!
i just read a friend's FB post about being sick and worried her husband might shoot her in her sleep for keeping him awake. i wondered why he didn't think to just smother her with a pillow. that's quieter.
this is all in fun, but what kind of person am i that i wonder about these things?
morbidity, i guess.
happy halloween to you!
ok, one more thing
our church hosts a TRUNK-OR-TREAT in the parking lot. this is our third year. the whole town comes out. and maybe the neighboring slums as well. (you think i'm kidding, but i'm not)
i recognize some of the munchkins because you know, some of the kids are from our church. last night i saw a a few too many "bloody kids" this must be the go-to costume for those in a hurry. you've seen these, i am sure. "let's buy an old prom dress then squirt fake blood on it" cause bloody, dead looking 6 year olds are great, right?
but the one that beat them all was a little boy dressed in an orange jumpsuit and handcuffs, pleased as punch to be a "criminal, cause i robbed a bank" really? come on. his older brother has already been suspended from the 4th gr. this year! what are those parents thinking?
That's creepy!
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