While I prefer to be snobby and struggle with figuring out photo editing tricks myself using fancy pants Photoshop, Picnik.com offers a lot of free pre-made effects that can be applied at the click of a button. I find it especially useful when I'm not at my home computer with access to my photo editing software, so for that reason alone I'm glad that such a site exists. I'm an even bigger fan today now that I've discovered they offer special Halloween effects for the season.

You can create evil red vampire eyes, add blood-covered fangs and Halloween masks, and alter skin tone to look like a pale, ghostly undead creature or a sickening, rotting zombie. Add graves, hanging spiders, and flying witches and then frame your photos with oodles of eyeballs or delectable candy corn. There's a lot of fun to be had with the nifty free effects so go give it a try!

Unfortunately, the ones I like the best are only available if you pay for their premium service, like the Scary Movie and Ghostify effects. You can add haunting ghostly spectres to the background and blood spatters if you're willing to pony up the cash. Which I'm obviously not willing to do being the frugal person that I am. The frustrating thing is that I'm sure with enough skill I could manage the premium effects by messing with various settings myself. Here are a few pathetic attempts at spookifying some photos from my birthday weekend on my own.

I'll have to keep experimenting as the month progresses so I can create some truly horrifying photos. Oh wait, any picture with me in it already qualifies as that.
Well I have tried and FAILED miserably to do anything w/ Photoshop so Picnik is quickly becoming my best friend. Your "horrifying" photos are great.
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