When I was back home in the land where they trust you to be able to purchase wine and groceries in the same store, I picked up a few bottles of Halloween-y wine from World Market. Now, you should know that I'm not a big drinker and have never tried a wine that I actually like. Clearly I was caught up in the novelty and swayed by the nifty design of the labels. I'm sad to report that the one bottle I've opened so far does indeed taste like wine, which is a bad thing in my book. Still, I like that there's exists a Vampire Vineyard and that they seem to have fun with the theme. I guess if you're a wine drinker these might actually taste good. Me? I'll use them for cooking and save the bottles for decorations. If you're less of a cheapskate than I you might also want to splurge on the "7 Deadly Zins" wine that, at just over $10, was out of my price range. Quite the catchy name.
Photo a day:

[Day 59] - Want to come over for dinner tonight?
Theme: "Spooky"
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