Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Photo A Day - Holiday Cheer [Days 116 - 119]

An annual Christmas tradition around here is the devouring of an entire pan of Snickers fudge. Here's my brother eating his portion, which happens to be about half of the 9" x 13" pan.

Day 116

Played around with inverting the colors on this picture and now I'm wishing I had a white Christmas tree. These are my Bumble slippers worn for special occasions like Christmas. One of my cats is terrified of them and backs away in fear whenever he sees them on my feet.

Day 117

Day 118

'Tis the season for stupid snow that cuts my family's visit short and causes my mother-in-law to get into an accident and wind up in the hospital on Christmas Day. Still, I'm trying to find something good about the end of the holidays by sprucing up my car a bit.

Day 119

This week's theme: holiday spirit


Anonymous said...

Beautiful pics as always. Love how you did the slippers one!

So sorry you mother-in-law was hurt--hope she's feeling better.

Anonymous said...

Love the mini cooper pic. Sorry to read of your mil's accident! You had more snow than us I think.