We're already a week into November and still no word back from I Heart Cuppycakes as to whether or not Cupcake Hero will continue. As I mentioned last week, she replied to my initial email after October's results came in telling me to hold off on posting the next Cupcake Hero because she needed to reevaluate the competition due to her busy schedule and some complaints from bakers about how it's organized. Which is a shame because I know most of us don't take this so seriously that we'd complain but it seems that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Anyway, because November's such a short month I don't want it to slip by without some sort of cupcake challenge for those of us who enjoy these events not for the prizes but as a way to push ourselves and discover fun new recipes from others. I've also gotten a few comments and emails from other bakers who seem as eager as I am to see this challenge continue. For those reasons I'm disobeying orders here and am going ahead with posting November's challenge. Let's see how good of a turnout we can get to maybe help convince I Heart Cuppycakes that there's a lot of support for this great competition.
Since I don't have the official sanction I'm going to call this an unofficial Cupcake Hero. So don't count on the usual big prizes this time around. Instead bake for the glory of being the (unofficial) Cupcake Hero! That's reward enough, right? Because I'd hate to see you go without and because I like giving things away so much I will make some sort of cupcake-themed item for the winner and put together a prize pack. Hopefully we can keep this competition going!
And now on to this month's ingredient:
Yup, it's cranberries! Since it's nearly Thanksgiving here in the US I'm going with one of my favorite ingredients that's both in season and in keeping with the upcoming holiday. Cranberry sauce, berries, juice, whatever! It's your choice. Just get creative!
Even though this isn't official I'm sticking with the same guidelines as Cupcake Hero:
- Anyone can enter.
- Create a cupcake using CRANBERRIES in at least one component be it the cake itself, frosting, filling, garnish etc.
- Post the recipe for your entry on your blog and then email your name, the link, the name of the cupcake and a brief description/promo blurb to me at sourkrautkrafts@gmail.com with Cupcake Hero in the subject.
- Also join the Flickr group and upload 1-2 pictures per entry. I can't promise the administrator will actually post your pics since this is an unofficial competition but I want to stick as close to the Cupcake Hero rules as possible.
- While you're there, consider leaving a comment in the discussion section letting I Heart Cuppycakes know how much you support Cupcake Hero and want it to continue.
- Multiple entries welcome but separate email per entry.
- Deadline will be November 29th at noon Eastern Time. I will post the roundup by the 30th, followed by voting until December 3rd.
- Readers will pick finalist #1. I pick finalist #2.
- I bake both finalist cupcakes and assemble a focus group to help me decide the winner to be announced on December 6th.
- Any questions? Email sourkrautkrafts@gmail.com
I didn't participate in the competition, and I may not have time to this month either, but I will be following along eagerly. Hopefully I will at least have time to taste some of the other creations! How fun!
I can't wait to see what you come up with :)
Well done on going ahead with a challenge, I'm sure you will get plenty of support!
I'm not sure we can even get fresh cranberries here in NZ... but I use dried ones often, so I'm excited about coming up with a tasty entry :)
I agree with Clara that she should suspend Cupcake Hero until it can be redefined. The problem wasn't the rules but the treatment by the host of the entrants themselves. I've seen some of the negative comments said about the losing cupcakes by the host themselves and it is uncalled for and disrespectful. It should be a fun time and it stop being that a long time ago.
Congrats on last months win and thanks for hosting the "unofficial" Cupcake Hero November! Time to put my thinking cap on!
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