Whoo hoo! Found out last night that my Nutella Baklava Cupcakes won October's honey-themed Cupcake Hero competition. Thanks again to everyone who voted! I love the set-up for the competition as you still have a chance if your cupcake rocks but you don't have a million friends to turn out and vote for you. I also like that it comes down to a taste test as there's only so much you can tell about a cupcake from a description of the components.
I thought this would mean I'd get a chance to host November's Cupcake Hero, which I was looking forward to more than the prizes themselves, but I got an email from I Heart Cuppycakes this morning saying to hold off on posting the competition as she's reevaluating Cupcake Hero due to her busy schedule and complaints from several participants about how it's organized. I know that I and at least one other participant have offered to step in and help out with the prizes and any other aspects she's struggling with. I really hope she doesn't choose to stop the competition as I think it's an extremely popular one with lots of talented bakers. It'd be a shame to see it end, especially when I had a great idea for November's ingredient. Which shall remain a mystery until I get the go ahead to host. Assuming that ever happens.
Hopefully things will be back on track soon and we can look forward to another fun challenge!
Congratulations to you on your win! Love it that they do taste the cupcake too -- pretty is as pretty tastes! Joni
I'm so glad you finally took the victory! That's too bad about Cupcake Hero maybe not carrying on this month - I'd love it if you take part in this cupcake challenge, though: http://cccakery.blogspot.com/2010/10/movember-manly-cupcake-challenge.html
Congratulations on your win!!!!!
Congratulations on your win - I thought yours sounded incredible, I'm glad they won! :o)
Any progress on whether the challenge will go ahead? It would be a shame for it to stop... I don't know about everyone else, but I for one have no interest in prizes. I love the idea of challenging ourselves and one another, fingers crossed we can keep it going :)
Nope, still no reply from Clara of I Heart Cuppycakes. I'm getting more and more tempted to put November's challenge up myself and let everyone know to not expect the usual prizes. I'm sure we're not the only ones who would be happy to keep the challenge going even without the allure of prizes.
I'm with you on that... no reason it can't go ahead, the satisfaction of participating is enough for most of us i'm sure :)
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