The cupcake geniuses over at C&C Cakery have come up with a brilliant challenge to help raise awareness for the more manly types of cancer that often fall under the radar. The Movember Foundation has been dedicated to this cause for several years now. Even if you can't participate now's the time to make a donation and spread the word about this! Don't you just adore the mustached cupcake design they came up with? I love the inspiration and the execution of this fantastic idea so please help out in any way you can. Blog about it, post links to your favorite men's health charity, or join in yourself to compete for some wonderful prizes!
If you're up for the baking challenge, you have from now until November 20th to bake up some amazingly unique cupcakes that have a real manly attitude. This could be reflected in the recipe, the taste, or the decorations. Really, this part is open to your interpretation, so be as creative as you want to be! Visit C&C Cakery for all of the details.
When brainstorming ideas for this yesterday it occurred to me that we women bakers will be influenced by the types of men we've had in our lives, so I'm sure we'll see a lot of different interpretations of what qualifies as "manly" depending on our experiences. I'm excited to see what everyone comes up with.
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