Even though I have no plans to rush out and see the newly released Harry Potter movie I am very excited about it. I'd rather be patient and wait than deal with those noisome creatures commonly known as "children." I sort of grew up with the series (as much as someone who was already 15 when the first book came out can claim) so the books and movies hold a special place in my heart. That and I have a total fangirl crush on Alan Rickman as Severus Snape complete with girly squeals when he shows up on screen. Rumor has it I might have every scene of his in the first three movies memorized to the point where I can fast forward straight to them without having to watch the screen.

Just check out that library and those smoldering good looks. Almost as delectable as a treacle tart!
I would be remiss if I let an occasion to celebrate pass without notice and without feasting on something unhealthy. While I wish I had the time to put together a full-fledged Harry Potter-themed party this will have to do for now. One of my favorite blogs, for obvious reasons, is The English Kitchen. When she featured treacle tart a few weeks ago I bookmarked the recipe for this specific occasion. Now that the big Harry Potter release day is here I'm going to celebrate in the privacy of my own home with a giant slice of this sugary goodness!
Wowza. Now that I've sampled this for myself I have to wonder at the wisdom of serving this to schoolchildren. I think I'll be on a sugar high for the next week straight just from eating one delicious slice. It's decidedly British in flavor, if such a thing can be defined, with plenty of fresh lemon flavor. I only wish I'd remembered to add ginger, which The English Kitchen listed as an optional ingredient. I would say "there's always next time" but as the golden syrup alone cost $5 I doubt this will become a regular dessert around our house. Perhaps one day if I can ever convince my husband and the government to let me move to England. While the cost of everything else might be astronomical at least my British groceries will cost less than they do here. That's reason enough to move, right?

Treacle Tart
Recipe adapted from The English Kitchen
Pie crust to line a 9 inch pie pan
1 454g can of golden syrup
3 tablespoons heavy cream
2 heaping cups of fresh breadcrumbs
Juice and zest of one lemon
2 large eggs
A pinch of sea salt
Ground ginger (optional)
Recipe adapted from The English Kitchen
Pie crust to line a 9 inch pie pan
1 454g can of golden syrup
3 tablespoons heavy cream
2 heaping cups of fresh breadcrumbs
Juice and zest of one lemon
2 large eggs
A pinch of sea salt
Ground ginger (optional)
1) Preheat the oven to 375F.
2) Roll the pie crust out and press into a 9" pie pan, crimping edges. Line with parchment paper and baking beans and bake for 10 to 15 minutes, or until the pastry looks set and dried. Lift out the paper and baking beans. Return the pan to the oven for a few minutes to dry the pastry out further.
3) Remove from the oven and reduce the temperature to 325F.
4) Mix together the syrup, cream, breadcrumbs, lemon juice and eggs, along with a pinch of fine sea salt and optional ground ginger. Pour this mixture into the pie crust and bake for 50 minutes, until the filling has lightly set. Remove from the oven and allow to cool completely before cutting into wedges to serve.

A Photo A Day [Day 82] - Eagerly waiting for my treacle tart to be done
this comment has nothing to do with this post, but i wanted you to see what you inspired. please come check it out.
I saw Harry Potter this weekend and I loved it, so you have something to look forward to ;)
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