Time for another round of voting in Sweetest Kitchen's Mystery Box Cupcake Challenge. The theme ingredient this month was white chocolate and there are some fantastic entries. While there's no need for me to actively rustle up votes like I did last time since I can't win the prizes, I'm sure some of you will be as interested as I in seeing what folks came up with and snagging some new recipes. That said, if you happen to find the time to vote for my "White Chocolate, Nutella and Banana Cupcakes" while you're there it certainly wouldn't hurt my ego. Also, if you're feeling extra charitable, you could vote for my friend's delicious-looking entry: "White Chocolate Passion Cupcakes by Tara," the last one on the list. Since so much of it comes down to how many friends/family members you can get to vote for you I figured I'd do my best to get her a few extra votes. That and her cupcake really does look unique and divine:
Other entries that have made it to the top of my list include:
White lime cupcakes filled with lime curd
Chai cupcakes with Toblerone white chocolate frosting. Wish I'd thought to try Toblerone as it's right up there with Nutella as one of my favorite childhood treats.
White chocolate molten lava cupcakes with white chocolate ice cream. Although not baked in a cupcake pan I'll accept this entry if only for the tasty-looking white chocolate ice cream recipe. Anyone who makes everything from scratch like that is cool in my book.
So stop by Sweetest Kitchen before August 26, check out the entries, and cast your vote. If you're interested in entering yourself the competition is open to anyone. Just check back after the first of the month for the next theme ingredient. Can't wait to see what I'll be experimenting with next!
YAY I made your list! Although you can make my molten chocolate cake in a cupcake pan - just use it instead of a ramekin! You might end up with 2.75 cakes though, since the cupcake pan is slightly smaller than a ramekin. Tara's gorgeous cupcakes are one of my favorites too!
I think we can all agree that more cake = better. I'll stick with the ramekins in that case! Don't worry; I'm not so pedantic that I'd really accuse yours of not being a cupcake. Although judging from some of the comments from last month's tea competition where someone was arguing that fruit-based teas aren't technically tea I wouldn't put it past someone to get up in arms about it. Good luck in the contest!
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