Last week's Paint the Moon theme was "Look out for curves."
Sorry I'm falling behind so much on this project. I took this photo during the appropriate week and then waited almost a week and a half before processing it. I started out motivated and inspired by the themes and now find myself struggling to come up with anything good. I'll keep plugging away but it's become quite a chore for me.
you know i love me some good cat photo.
It's definitely a curve and a cuddly curve at that!
Know what you mean about the challenge. I'm in the midst of some sew-alongs and a quilt bee that are proving to be not just challenging, but often a pain in the ass! I guess I get more sewing finished, but I'm not enjoying it as much as I thought I would.
I find that people tend to appreciate challenges more in retrospect than in the moment for some reason.
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