Today's post is brought to you by a special guest blogger. That's right; I've asked our foster dog to write a post explaining why I felt I deserved these decadent three-layer brownies after putting up with him for a week. These brownies covered with coffee frosting and a thick layer of ganache almost make up for the trauma.

Hi, this is Major. What an exciting week I've had with my foster family! Yes, I like to overuse exclamation points just like my foster mommy. I'm not entirely sure why she's is huddled in the corner with a pan of brownies and a fork but I would like to tell you about all of the fun things I've been up to since I moved in:
1) Tore up a pillow case and attempted to impregnate the pillow
2) Tore open a blanket and ravaged the stuffing
3) Destroyed a rubber chicken dressed as a prostitute bunny
4) Ate foster daddy's Prickle toy he's had for 15 years
5) Pulled down the curtain rod in the living room
6) Took several walks with foster mommy where I displayed that I am not at all leash trained and that, despite the fact that she outweighs me by about 90 pounds, I can pull her along the sidewalk at my own pace. Also timed my bathroom break in a neighbor's yard so I hunkered down just as they were coming out of their house. I am just that talented.
7) Played fetch with sticks and tennis balls
8) Stuck my head into the shower so I could watch foster daddy shower, then licked his ankles when he got out (what? is that weird?)
9) Chased cats. Had a few altercations where they expressed their displeasure with me with the use of claws and lots of hissing. What did I do wrong? It's as if they're instinctively driven to hate me or something.
10) Got lots of new toys & treats. Ate most of them (in both categories).
11) Learned that the couch is for people and the chair is for doggies
12) Almost learned to stop jumping on people when they're standing up, but I get too excited sometimes and forget
13) Cleaned the floor for foster mommy when she dropped a pan of bacon
14) Stole a bag of foster mommy's Pfeffernusse cookies from the kitchen and brought them to foster daddy upstairs. (I don't know, he seemed like he needed them.)
15) Got barked at by the neighbor's tiny, pathetic excuse for a dog
16) Learned to sleep quietly through the night in my crate
17) Licked and nibbled everything in sight
18) Learned to use a spiral staircase (after days of having to be carried down the stairs by foster mommy and daddy)
19) Prevented foster mommy from working out unless I'm passed out asleep on another floor of the house. All that jumping around and waving of her arms is obviously an invitation to me to play and bite, right? Besides, she's already skinny enough so clearly doesn't need to exercise.
20) Helped foster mommy take pictures for her blog. Her pictures were lacking a certain je ne sais quoi until I inserted my furry face into the frame.
21) Tried to steal a neighbor's trash can lid and drag it home with me
22) Did a little interior decorating by moving the draft stopper to the dining room, moved the dustpan brush to the living room, and moved the cats' newest toy upstairs. Really helped the feng shui of the place.
23) Gave foster mommy a 2" bruise on her thigh when I got too excited and thought we were doing attack dog training. I sunk my teeth in but fortunately didn't break the skin. Next time she should probably wear one of those padded suits. Silly girl!
24) Made friends with this adorable little creature that I found under the back deck He's not much of a conversationalist but he's fun to play fetch with.

So there you have it! Only three more weeks to go with my foster family but I'm hoping to accomplish a lot more in the time to come. Until my next blog post you can entertain yourself by making some of these brownies for yourself because it doesn't look as if foster mommy's going to share hers.

Coffee Cream Brownies
Recipe adapted from Crustabakes
For the brownies:
1/2 cup unsalted butter
3 ounces chopped chocolate (I used semisweet)
2 eggs
1 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
2/3 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 tsp baking soda
For the coffee filling:
2 tablespoons heavy whipping cream
2 tsp instant coffee granules
4 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened
2 cups confectioner’s sugar
For the ganache:
1 cup ( 6 ounces ) chocolate chips (I used bittersweet)
1/3 cup heavy whipping cream
Recipe adapted from Crustabakes
For the brownies:
1/2 cup unsalted butter
3 ounces chopped chocolate (I used semisweet)
2 eggs
1 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
2/3 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 tsp baking soda
For the coffee filling:
2 tablespoons heavy whipping cream
2 tsp instant coffee granules
4 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened
2 cups confectioner’s sugar
For the ganache:
1 cup ( 6 ounces ) chocolate chips (I used bittersweet)
1/3 cup heavy whipping cream
1. In a microwave or small saucepan, melt butter and chocolate. Stir until smooth. Cool slightly. In a small bowl, beat the eggs, sugar and vanilla. Stir in chocolate mixture. Combine flour and baking soda, gradually add to the chocolate mixture.
2. Spread into a greased 8 inch square baking pan. Bake at 350 for 25-30 minutes or until a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean. Cool on a wire rack.
3. For the filling, heat cream in the microwave for about 15 seconds or until lukewarm. Add coffee granules and stir until the coffee is dissolved. Using a mixer, beat butter and confectioners sugar until combined. Beat in coffee mixture until combined. Increase speed to medium-high and and beat until light and fluffy. Spread over brownies. Put pan in the refrigerator while you make the ganache.
4. In a small saucepan, combine chips and cream. Cook and stir over very low heat until chocolate is melted and mixture is thickened. Cool slightly. Carefully spread over filling. Let stand for 30 minutes or until glaze is set. Cut into squares. Store in refrigerator.
oh my god, WHAT is that dead thing? seriously that was out there? you are being very good foster parents carrying him up and down a spiral staircase! and the brownies look deelish.
Oh, my, you have been busy. This is great training for the foster parents. You are right, the foster mom does not need to exercise. You are providing her with more than enough opportunities for running around both in the house and to the store to replace the things you've deemed tasty or worthy of destruction.
Now, should you decide that you are not going to work for a living, will the foster parents get to take you back??
Definitely the most entertaining post of the day and I reminder that I will wait a little longer until I get a dog!
Remember, Major, foster mummies and daddies love when you wake them up at four in the morning because you heard a noise outside that sounded like some sort of small animal in distress.
Also, don't you try and eat chocolate. It will make you sick. And foster mummy will get mad at you for eating all her chocolate
I'm with Cape- WTF is that shriveled up dead thing!!!???!!! Major found that in your yard? Oh my. Girl you are stranger than I thought. (And it makes me love you more!!!!) Just kidding you know- not about loving you but implying that you actually kept that thing in your yard.
Fortunately- I am not much of a coffee fan; so these don't make me drool uncontrollably. But they might with another filling.
I loved this guest post.
OK first off those brownies look amazing- I think I'll make some for hubby, he would love them.
Second- it's always the super cute ones that are trouble! Major is so cute and has definitely been keeping you on your toes. We've often said being cute is the saving grace for our four legged furry trouble makers. You just can't be mad at a face like that for long.
Good for you for taking on the task of teaching him manners!
OMG what is that thing??!! You totally deserve a pan of brownies after that thing showing up. I actually made a similar pan tonight. Coffee really takes a brownie up a notch!
Precious. I hope you find a 'fur-ever' family... but the one you have sounds like the place to be!
I love that you over use exclamation points... me too!
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